Hedgehog's Home by Branko Ćopić
Based on the classic story by Branko Ćopić, Hedgehog's Home focuses on Hedgemond the Hunter, a tough little hedgehog who lives in the wild woods.
Directed by Eva Cvijanović and Co-produced by Bonobostudio (2017).
To learn more about Hedgehogs, here are 15 interesting facts that you may have not known about them.
Hedgehog Drawing Activity
Try out your drawing skills with these hedgehog-themed activities!
Hedgehog Coloring Activity
Join the main characters on their adventure and track their journey through the hermitage with this map.
Help bring Varvara Pomidor's vibrant and colorful illustrations to life with these coloring activities!
In this DIY project created by the Houston Humane Society, you'll learn how to make your very own dog toy using scissors and an old T-shirt!